Friday, October 24, 2008

Longing for Art

I have been so wrapped up in pushing my graphic and web design career forward that I have neglected my fine art. My friend, and one of my mentors, Anne Mondro has joined a new gallery in Chicago. The gallery, American Contemporary Gallery, hosts a handful of very talented and diverse artists. As I was browsing the artists and their work I stumbled upon these pieces that I have posted here.

These two paintings made me still. That is what happens when I encounter a piece of art that speaks to me - everything becomes still and for a moment I seem to understand it "all." Art, like these two paintings, whisper the secrets of life. They whisper things about connection and order. How amongst the day to day randomness there is a design that we can neither control or understand. These two pieces are very inspirational to me and they resonate to my inner artist and humanness.

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