Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Art in Everyday Life

We create art in our lives everyday. I suppose a definition of art would be appropriate at this point. However, I am viewing art as an expression of oneself. I am not narrowing art down into a medium or training, I am simply stating that art flows from us even if we are unaware. For instance we create art through the way we decorate our house. By choosing the beige color in our living room or by picking out the lamp next to our bed, we are aesthetically acting out. Another way in which we promote art on a daily basis is by listening to the type of music we gravitate toward. Music, whatever it may be for each of us, resonates within us and again gives us a vehicle to create art. We also use art when we dress or wear our hair a certain way. Our taste in fashion relays to the world what sort of person we are and what appeals to us visually. One last interesting utilization of art in everyday live can be as simple as our daily routine. We all establish our own personal ambiance in our lives. Whether we brush our teeth in the shower or out, sleep on our side or our stomach, even whether we write with our right hand verses the left; these qualities are unique to us all and are ways to which we represent ourselves artistically.

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